Sunday, April 3, 2011

Transmission of herpes virus

  1. HSV can be passed on when one person has the virus present on the skin or mucous membrane and another person makes direct skin-to-skin contact with the live virus.

  2. The herpes virus is likely to be present on the skin from the first sign of prodrome (tingling or itching where the outbreak usually occurs), until the sores have completely healed and new skin is present.

  3. There are likely to be certain periods of time (possibly only a few days out of the year) when the active virus might be on the skin, even though there are no obvious signs or symptoms.

  4. Always using latex condoms may possibly reduce the risk of transmitting the virus at these times.

  5. Herpes is very frequently transmitted by infected persons who do not know they are infected.

  6. Once diagnosed, a person generally is able to take the simple precautions necessary to protect partners - avoiding contact during prodrome or an outbreak and practicing safer sex when no symptoms are present.

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