Wednesday, April 27, 2011

8 Different Types of Herpes Infection - Causes Of A Herpes Infection & Effective Treatment of Herpes Infection |

 Herpes shows difference in symptoms person to person. In some cases it causes sores, blisters and in some other cases it cause painful sexually transmitted disease. Herpes affects certain body parts and that’s why is divided into many types as follows
• Herpes of mouth (Herpes gingivostomatitis)
• Herpes of throat (Herpes pharyngitis)
• Herpes of eye (Herpes keratitis)
• Herpes of brain (Herpes encephalitis), and
• Herpes of newborn infant (Neonatal Herpes).

Herpes is caused due to following viruses

1. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1)

It is also called as cold sores and usually they occur near mouth, fingers, toes, and genital areas. HSV1 & HSV2 have similarities because both lie in nerve cell nucleus and distribute via nerve to the surface area of skin when they break out.

2. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2)

It generally develops near genital area. It lies in nerve cell nucleus and distribute via nerve to the surface area of skin when break outs similarly like HSV1. Many people for long time do not recognize that they are suffering from genital Herpes.

3. Vericella-Zoster Virus (VZV)

Herpes zoster is also known as Herpes Vericella, chickenpox, and shingles. Herpes zoster shows flu-like symptoms followed by blisters on body. It lies in the nerve cell nucleus and when breakouts they distribute by dermatome.

4. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBW)

Epstein barr virus is also known as glandular fever, mononucleosis, and kissing disease. In children symptoms of this type are not visible and noticeable. In adults is causes fever, swelling joins ache and fatigue. It also causes a lifelong undeveloped infection in some body cells immune system. It can be associated with cancers like Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

5. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

It shows its presence in saliva, breast milk, and other body secretions. In adults it does not show any other symptoms but sometimes it causes mild glandular fever. In this type some people might experience symptoms like prolonged fever, mild hepatitis, and sore throat.

6. Human Herpes virus (HHV6)

It is divided into two different types i.e. 6A and 6B. 6A causes rosella in baby’s ages between 6 months to 1 year where 6B is developed after by age 2. A symptom of HHV6 includes mild fever, swollen glands and skin rash. It develops its latency in myeloid and bone marrow of host tissues and exists for the life time. In adults it can be found with multiple sclerosis patients and some other disease like fatigue, AIDS, temporal lobe epilepsy, and fibromyalgia.

7. Human Herpes virus7(HHV7)

HHV7 starts developing by age of 3, and is transfers through saliva, semen and other secretions. HHV6 and HHV7 are ever present T-lymphotropic viruses that infect most of humans.

8. Human Herpes virus or Kaposi’s Sarcoma (HHV8 or KSHV)

HHV8 is also called as Kaposi’s sarcoma herpes virus (KSHV). it is basically associated with HIV infections.
Herpes virus outbreaks infections are generally associated with conditions and circumstances that are responsible to make immune system weak. A feeble immune system allows the herpes virus to spread, breed and multiply.

What are viruses?

Viruses are microbes or infectious agents which are very small in the size. A simple virus is made up of nucleic acid surrounded by protein membrane where a complex virus contains one more membrane outside protein membrane. Virus contains genetics like DNA and RNA which helps virus to multiply and make more viruses.
In order to multiply, the virus enters a living cell, removing its protein coat in the process, and then uses its RNA or DNA to redirect the cell’s system to produce more viruses, this process of making new viruses can kill or destroy the host cell. If sufficient number of cells are injured or destroyed, this process causes illness like influenza, viral diarrhea, or genital herpes.

How herpes virus causes disease?

All the above viruses are responsible for causing illnesses like eye infection, fever blisters/cold sores, and genital herpes.

Genital Herpes

It is a major type which affects people very fast. People get infected by genital herpes when they have sexual relationship, oral sex with the person who is infected by genital herpes. Many people don’t know tat fever blisters or cold sores (herpes labialis) are caused by herpes simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus has lengthy life as it can live for minutes to hours on inanimate objects which include toilet seats, door knobs, telephone, and bath tub.

How Herpes survives in body?

Many times we try to treat areas where we see herpes infection but on very next day we see one more sore or blister on new place because herpes hides somewhere away from the spots where we see them. HSV is a neurotropic type of virus, which enters sensory neurons that innervate the cells of mucous membranes. A group of nerve cells located outside the spinal cord is known as ganglion; HSV1 builds latency in the trigeminal ganglion near face while HSV2 builds latency mostly in the sacral ganglion near genital region. Neuron is made up of a cell body containing nucleus and fiber like processes of axons and dendrites. Dendrites receives signal from neuron while axons convey messages from the neuron to other cells. HSV affects the neuron by entering into it from end of the axon near area of infection and travels to neuron nucleus where is live, feed and multiply.

Other Info on herpes infection

Herpes virus outbreaks infection occurs when the immune system is weak or feeble. Stress, nutritional deficiencies, and age are some factors that make immune system weak.
Stress causes hormonal changes in person’s body which affects normal function of immune system. Nutrition deficiencies are responsible to cause iodine deficiency like goiter, vitamin C deficiency like scurvy, etc. Age can also affect the immune system’s efficiency.
Including some natural products in daily diet can help you make your immune systems strong, which are coconut oil and garlic.
Coconut Oil: Replace your daily food oil with coconut oil as it helps to dissolve the lipid coat of the herpes virus making them more vulnerable to human immune system.
Garlic: Garlic contains germicidal properties, daily intake of 1gm or more garlic helps to treat herpes virus breakouts.


Medicines like acyclovir cream, tablet, and suppositories are found most useful and effective treatment of Herpes infection.
8 Different Types of Herpes Infection - Causes Of A Herpes Infection & Effective Treatment of Herpes Infection |

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